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Winter snow background | Your Power Wash Winter Preparation Checklist | PowerWash

Your Power Wash Winter Preparation Checklist

For most in the power wash industry, winter is the slow season. However, business owners should still regularly inspect their equipment for wear and tear, ensure correct chemical storage, and consider how the weather may be impacting their equipment.  As a trusted equipment and chemicals supplier, we understand the importance of power wash winter preparation to ensure your power washing operations run smoothly year-round. As the days grow shorter and temperatures drop, itโ€™s the best time to start gearing up for winter. We hope this checklist will help you safeguard your equipment, optimize your chemical usage, and maintain a successful power washing operation throughout the winter months.

Equipment Maintenance

Pressure washers are affected by their surroundings. Even when stored in a garage or workshop in winter, they remain exposed to the season’s chilly temperatures. The combination of harsh weather conditions and extended periods of inactivity can lead to the deterioration of a pressure washer. Thatโ€™s why before the winter chill sets in, it’s crucial to perform thorough maintenance on your power washing equipment:

Inspect Hoses and Connections

Check for any leaks or damage in hoses, fittings, and connections. Replace or repair as needed to prevent freezing or bursting.

Pump Maintenance 

Lubricate the pump and check for any signs of wear. Ensure it’s in optimal working condition to handle colder temperatures.

Nozzle Care 

Clean and inspect nozzles for clogs. A blocked nozzle can result in uneven pressure and decreased performance.

Change the Oil

Don’t delay changing the oil in your pressure washer until spring. Changing the oil before storing it for the winter ensures that all components stay properly lubricated. Be sure to also clean or replace the oil filter during this task.

Pressure Washer Storage 

If your power washer will be unused for an extended period, consider storing it indoors to protect it from freezing temperatures.

How often should you inspect your equipment for wear and tear?
Oil changes must be done on a pressure washing machine every 40 hours of use, so use each oil change to inspect your equipment. For more thorough inspections, we recommend an inspection once per week.

Chemical Storage

Properly storing your chemicals during the winter is essential for maintaining their effectiveness and longevity; here are some tips for winter storage: 

Temperature-Controlled Storage 

Store your chemicals in a temperature-controlled environment to prevent freezing or degradation. Most chemicals have specific temperature ranges for optimal performance.

Seal Containers Tightly 

Ensure chemical containers are tightly sealed to prevent air and moisture from affecting the contents.

Inspect Labels 

Check chemical labels for any special storage instructions during cold weather. Some chemicals may require additional precautions.

Winter-Grade Chemicals

Consider using winter-grade chemicals designed to perform in colder temperatures. These specialized formulations are less likely to freeze or become ineffective in the cold, ensuring your power washing jobs are completed successfully.

Vehicle Maintenance

If you use a power washing vehicle, don’t forget to prepare it for winter as well. If you donโ€™t use one yet, check out this article to learn how to build your dream pressure washing rig

Winter Tires 

Consider switching to winter tires for improved traction on icy or snowy roads.

Fluid Checks 

Ensure your vehicle’s antifreeze, windshield washer fluid, and oil are all at appropriate levels.

Emergency Kit

Keep a winter emergency kit in your vehicle, including a shovel, blankets, and road salt.

Safety During Winter

The protection and durability of equipment isnโ€™t the only important thing to remember. During power wash winter preparation, don’t overlook personnel safety when working in winter conditions:

Proper Attire 

Ensure your team has appropriate winter gear, including warm clothing, gloves, and non-slip footwear.

Salt and De-Icing 

Be prepared to deal with icy surfaces on job sites by carrying salt or deicing agents.

Shorter Work Hours

Winter days are shorter, so plan your work accordingly to maximize daylight hours and crew safety.

Power wash winter preparation requires keeping several components in mind, like equipment safety, a properly equipped crew, and storage options over the cold months. Following this checklist will increase your chances to ensure your equipment’s durability and your team’s well-being. Also, it is essential for a power washing business to offer winter-friendly services like Christmas light installation to keep revenue flowing. 

Key Takeaways:

  • The combination of harsh weather conditions and extended periods of inactivity can lead to the deterioration of a pressure washer. 
  • Oil changes must be done on a pressure washing machine every 40 hours of use, making it an excellent opportunity to inspect your equipment during every oil change.
  • If you use a power washing vehicle, don’t forget to prepare them for winter as well. If you donโ€™t use one yet, look at this article to learn how to build one
  • The protection and durability of equipment isnโ€™t the only important thing to remember. During power wash winter preparation, don’t overlook personnel safety when working in winter conditions.
  • It is essential for a power washing business to offer winter-friendly services like Christmas light installation to keep revenue flowing. 

Winter is Coming

Preparing your power washing business for winter is crucial for maintaining the longevity of your equipment, ensuring chemical effectiveness, and guaranteeing the safety of your team. Follow this power wash winter preparation checklist to be equipped to face the challenges of the cold season and keep your business running smoothly. supports you with the equipment and chemicals you need to succeed throughout the year. Contact us and get started today! Stay safe, stay prepared, and keep power washing! 

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