Heard on the Streetย Rates for Pressure Washing ServicesPricing is more of an art than it is a science. Salesmanship plays a major role in the amount you can get for a particular job. Some Contract Cleaners can get 10% to 100% more for the same job than their competitors. Pricing becomes even more confusing because people are entering the business with consumer quality pressure washers without insurance, workmen’s compensation, office, or overhead expenses because they are operating from their homes on a part time basis. They do not have normal business expenses. But the customer liability is greater because a lack of insurance and workmen’s compensation. And often poorer quality work.Find a power washer for you business at PowerWash.com.This price guide should be used as a reference point. It is not a recipe that will guarantee that you will get every bid. It will have to be modified to fit the economic conditions of competition in your area. You will have to decide if you are going to bid on quality or price, or somewhere in between. The economic realities are that you cannot deliver a Cadillac for a Volkswagen Price. Companies that do end up in bankruptcy.Every time you lose a bid ask the customer who they went with, what was the price, and why they did not buy from you. This will give you the information to start modifying this price guide to fit your market area. Often the customer will not give you this information but most people will give you some information. This is the start of your market survey so that you can adjust this price guide for you in your market area. If you are getting 100% of your bids you are too low. You need to be rejected about 20% of the time to assure that you are getting for most for your time and effort (what your market will bare).After a competitor has completed a job go by and see what kind of work he did and if possible the price he charged for it. Try to determine if your competitor has insurance, or workmen’s compensation. You should include insurance and workmen’s compensation certificates with your bids and explain the liability that people have if they choose a contractor that does not have this coverage.When a prospect calls you need to determine how he got your phone number. Was it from: an internet ad, your website, a referral, telephone yellow pages, saw your truck working, newspaper advertising, recommendation from a present customer, etc. Yellow pages leads tend to be price shoppers and they call every one in the yellow pages. This needs to be taken into consideration when you bid. The best lead is a recommendation from a present customer. You may not have any competition with these bids. Track where business is coming from and direct future advertising based on this information.Pricing can also vary widely from a metropolitan area to a rural area.ย In a large city companies usually become more focused on specific power washing markets and achieve economies of scale (proficiency thru repeating the same task and becoming very efficient) whereas in rural market they must offer a wider range of service to stay busy.ย This means more equipment and supplies to offer the broader range of services and a broader range of potential clients to market.Fleet Washing PricesThis pricing guideline presents a general view of pricing procedures for both Environmental and Non-environmental vehicle washing. It is not hard and fast, but provides a starting point. It should be adjusted according to your market.ITEM WASHEDSTANDARD WASHBAY PRICEENVIRONMENTAL POWER WASHLOW HIGHNON-ENVIRONMENTAL POWER WASHLOW HIGH AVGTractor, 1-axle w/o sleeper$30.00$6.00$25.00$8.00$20.00$12.00Tractor, 2-axle w/sleeper$36.00$10.00$25.00$10.00$25.00$20.00Van Trailers, Reefers$30.00$10.00$25.00$8.00$25.00$12.00Pups, 24ft. Trailers$20.00$8.00$20.00$8.00$20.00$15.00Gasoline Tankers$32.00$15.00$25.00$8.00$20.00$17.00Flat-bed Trailers$25.00$8.00$25.00$6.00$20.00$8.00Gravel Trailers$33.00$25.00$50.00$12.00$45.00$22.00Grain Trailers$30.00$20.00$30.00$8.00$25.00$16.00Auto Carriers$35.00$20.00$70.00$20.00$65.00$35.00Grain Pups w/hopper$20.00$8.00$20.00$6.00$15.00$10.00Cattle Trailer$45.00$20.00$60.00$15.00$45.00$30.00Garbage Truck$45.00$20.00$40.00$6.00$35.00$12.00School Buses$1.00/ft.$10.00$25.00$8.00$20.00$12.00Cement Trucks$45.00$30.00$80.00$25.00$75.00$40.00Pickups and Cars$10.00$3.00$10.00$2.00$10.00$5.00Vans (Telephone, FedEx, etc)$10.00$3.00$15.00$2.00$10.00$5.00Bob Tails$30.00$8.00$25.00$8.00$20.00$14.00Furniture Vans$30.00$10.00$30.00$10.00$35.00$18.00Step Vans (UPS)$21.00$5.00$20.00$4.00$10.00$6.00Jeeps (Post Office)$10.00$3.00$15.00$2.00$10.00$5.00Dump Trucks$32.00$25.00$50.00$15.00$35.00$30.00Motor Homes (RVs)$1.00/ft.$25.00$50.00$10.00$25.00$20.00Passenger Bus$30.00$25.00$45.00$10.00$30.00$25.00Inside Wash – Vans/Trailers$29.00$10.00$30.00$5.00$20.00$13.00Inside Van/Trailer Steam Out$25.00$15.00$25.00$10.00$25.00$15.00Road Tractor Engine Steam$25.00$15.00$40.00$5.00$25.00$15.00ITEM WASHEDSTANDARD WASHBAY PRICEENVIRONMENTAL POWER WASHLOW HIGHNON-ENVIRONMENTAL POWER WASHLOW HIGH AVGTractors – ready to paint$150.00$60.00$250.00$45.00$200.00$130.005th Wheel Wash$25.00$5.00$30.00$2.00$15.00$25.00Tractor โ Rear Frame$25.00$5.00$65.00$2.00$50.00$10.00Aluminum Brightening Vans/Trailers (extra charge)$25.00$25.00$45.00$15.00$40.00$25.00Aluminum Brightening Gravel Trailers (extra charge)$30.00$15.00$40.00$10.00$35.00$20.00Tractor Fuel Tanks – Brighten$15.00$3.00$6.00$1.50$6.00$4.00Tractor Wheels – Brighten$15.00$3.00$6.00$1.50$6.00$4.00Headache Rack – Brighten$5.00$3.00$6.00$1.50$6.00$5.00Bumper – Brighten$2.00$1.00$4.00$1.00$3.00$2.00ย Road Tractor detailing $25.00 per unit to clean them out and prep them for a new driver; Time spent – 20 to 30 minutes. Armor All everything, scrub the floor, and remove trash.Find Chemicals and Supplies for Fleet Washing at PowerWash.com.Flat Work pricing 8 to 20 cents/ftยฒ. If you really want the job, 6 cents/ftยฒ. If the job is not being bid out, 12 cents/ftยฒ. 25 to 35 cents/ftยฒ for grease and dumpster pads requiring hot water. 15 to 30 cents/ftยฒ for drive through restaurants, especially at the menu and pick up window depending on the severity and the quantity of the chewing gum. 10 to 20 cents/ftยฒ for grocery stores, depending quantity of the chewing gum and the distance between spots. A first time cleaning is usually double what a regular monthly cleaning will be. 25 to 60 cents per running foot for concrete curbs and gutters. Generally, it is necessary to clean 3 to 4 feet into the lot in order to look complete.Cleaning and Sealing Concrete Driveways: 40 cents to $1.25/ftยฒ New concrete construction clean-up (cold water rinse using wands with concentrations on saw cuts and hot water clean-up of oil spots): 2 cents/ftยฒ; 5cents/ftยฒ if a sweeper truck is required.Bank Drive-thrus $8.00 to $30.00/lane on a monthly or quarterly basis Parking Lots and Garage Floors 4 cents/ftยฒ to 30 cents/ftยฒ. Average for 10,000/ftยฒ and larger – 5 to 6 cents/ftยฒFind Concrete Cleaning Chemicals at PowerWash.comBuildings $ 1.00 per running foot for single-story buildings $2.00 per running foot for two-story buildings When bidding building washing by the job, it is best to wash a 10′ x 10′ or larger test section to determine the procedure, chemicals, and time required to do the job. This will establish what the bid should be and how clean the building will be when the job is completed. (Note: each side of a building may take separate cleaning methods)Washing Single Story Buildings 5 cents/ftยฒ to 30 cents/ftยฒ Outside -Store Front & Restaurants – Monthly cleaning: This includes the drive-thrus, dumpster area, andย 20 ft. each side of entrances Pricing: Pretend you are parking full size cars over the area being washed. Charge $10.00 to $30.00 per space, or 5 cents/ftยฒ to 15 cents/ftยฒ. If you are asked to clean an entire parking lot for a fast food facility, suggest the above instead of a onetime cleaning. This may get you a regular monthly customer.Parking Spaces $10.00 to $20.00 per space. Grease spots only $5.00 to $10.00 eachDrive Ways and Side Walks 5 cents to 20 cents/ftยฒ – 6 to 10 cents average Double or triple the above prices for a onetime cleaning.Roof CleaningCedar Shake Roofs 60 to 95 cents/ftยฒ or $400.00 to $800.00 per roofComposition Roofs Average Pitch: 10 to 30 cents/ftยฒ Steep Pitch: 20 to 35 cents/ftยฒ Minimum Charge: $100.00 to $150.00. Note: Lighter shingles usually require a stronger concentration of chemicals On average, a 2,000/ftยฒ roof takes two hours. Minimum Charge $150.00Manufactured Housing (Mobile Home) Roofs Single Wide: $75.00 to $150.00 Double Wide: $150.00 to $250.00Add on Roof coating: Note: Try to get customers to use “Kool Seal” (an elastomeric roof coating) for longevity, as aluminum roof coatings will crack and peel after eight months or so.Option 1 Cost of the roof coating plus $15.00 per 5 gallons for the material, and $40.00 per 5 gallons to apply.Option 2 Add the width plus length plus $60.00 for working off the ground plus the cost of materials. For example: On a 12′ x 65′ trailer, figure $12.00+$65.00+$60.00=$137.00 plus materials.Gutters, Single Story Residential HomesFindย Super Concentrate Gutter Zap at PowerWash.com ย Average: $95.00 Note: Gutters can be cleaned with a zero degree rotating nozzle and an extension wand. Removing ice from gutters: one or two times your hourly rateOption #1 50 cents to $125/linear footOption #2 Charge by the house: $55.00 to $160.00.Option #3 Freebie to create good will with your customers when roof cleaningOption #4 Install “Elko Gutter Guards” for $4.00 per linear foot, including labor and materialsTrash Dumpsters $85.00 to $250.00Trash Can Stalls 5 cents to 20 cents/ftยฒย Average: 12 cents/ftยฒPaint Stripping Paint Stripper will cover either 100ftยฒ/gallon when brushed on, or 200ftยฒ/gallon when sprayed on Use a Tampico Brush for brushing; an airless paint sprayer with stainless steel pickup parts and PTFE packing for spraying. Pricing range: 70 cents to $2.50/ftยฒ Trailer Houses (Mobile Homes) Trailers on a lot by themselves: $65.00 to $125.00 each Hazard: Most retired people want you to spend an hour talking and eating milk and cookies.Option 1 $1.00 to $2.50 per linear footOption 2 (for trailers in a trailer park) $55 to $65.00 for a single wide, $85.00 to $100.00 for a double wideHouse Washing Any two story house – $250.00 is a base price and can go up to $1000 for more detailed and quality cleanings like brushing, cleaning widow sills, fascia (brightening), extra attention given to the soffit.ย Price calculations below is generally for the base cleaning. The access areas around aย story house have to be taken into consideration.ย If there are unusual restrictions, or special equipment needed, this cost is added to the bid.Option 1 $135.00 to $350.00 or 10 cents/ftยฒ for a single story and 20 cents/ftยฒ for a two-story house (Note: Home with vinyl siding go for as little as $89.95)Option 2 50 cents to $2.00 per linear foot for single story homes (averaging about $1.00) $2.00 per linear foot for two-story homes (Note: Pricing by the linear foot is a more accurate way of pricing than by the square foot)Option 3 $70.00 for a single story and $100.00 for a two-story houseOption 4 Single Story 1,500 to 2,000/ftยฒ – $150.00 2,000 to 2,500/ftยฒ – $200.00Dryvit Houses $0.40/ftยฒ Be careful. You can force water under Dryvit and pop it off the house. Use low pressure or a brush. You can find information on Dryvit cleaning procedures at http://www.dryvit.ca/fileshare/doc/us/description/ds152.htm. In more expensive neighborhoods, add 10% to 30% to the above prices.Manufactured Housing, New Single Wide: $85.00 Double Wide: $125.00 Triple Wide: $145 .00 Manufactured Housing, UsedOption 1 Single Wide: $150.00, Double Wide: $185.00, Triple Wide: $225.00Option 2 $1.25 per linear foot to both wash and waxCleaning Mildew off Stucco 15 to 25 cents/ftยฒNew Construction, removing mortar tags 15 to 35 cents/ftยฒ for a single storyMasonry Restoration Cleaning Single Story 15 to 40 cents/ftยฒ Test patches are required to determine which restoration cleaner to use. If the work is being done for an architect, a 10′ x 10′ test area will be required. Caution: Although only one 10โ x 10โ test area is required, many buildings will require a different cleaner and technique for each side of the building.Vent-a-Hood $10.00 to $30.00 per hood linear foot plus $40.00 to $65.00 per fan Minimum charge: $100.00 to $250.00 Double the above prices for Asian restaurants Access panels: $60.00 to $85.00 each Give a discount for scheduling during the day or during off-hours as most work is done at night between 10:00 p.m. and 4 a.m. Charge extra for the first time cleaning. Charge extra if they are being forced to clean (citation from the Health Department) as it is probably in very bad shape.Find Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Chemicals at PowerWash.comGrocery Cart WashingOption 1 Free to $2.00 per cart, with $1.25 per cart being the averageOption 2 75 cents per cart for more 250 carts, $3.50 per cart up to 250 cartsHint: 15-degree tips or turbo nozzles work well for this applicationCar Lots-Washing Cars 50 cents to $2.00/car; $1.25/car average One vehicle every 60 secondsAircraft Washing Single-engine- $40.00 to $75.00 Light Twin-engine- $45.00 to $100.00 Turbo-prop and light twin jets- $75.00 to $250.00 Helicopters, 2 place-$65.00 to $105.00 Helicopters, 4 to 6 place-$75.00 to $175.00Boat Detailing Hull- $6.00 to $10.00/foot Deck- $7.00 to $10.00/footAwning Cleaning, Quarterly Prices(Example: Blockbuster, Dominoes, Subway) $2.50 per linear foot for 1 Story, or 35 to 55 cents/ftยฒ $3.50 per linear foot for 2 Story, or 45 to 65 cents/ftยฒ(Example: Chili’s, TGI Friday, Boston Market) $1.75/linear foot โ one story $2.95/linear foot โ two story If power washing is done: Monthly………………..Less 10% Bi-Annually……………Add 10% Annually………………..Add 20% For a one time cleaning, add 25%Deck cleaning and sealing Sealers will generally cover 100 to 250ftยฒ/gallon. Older surfaces may require two applications.Options 1 85 cents to $2.00/ftยฒ; $1.25-$1.75/ftยฒ for the average home Add $65.00 for stairways (or $10.00 per step) and a second story The square footage is for the floor only, most contractors do not figure the railing separatelyOption 2 $1.60/ftยฒ for the first story, $1.85/ftยฒ for a second story. Clean only – 95 cents/ftยฒ Seal only โ 95 cents/ftยฒ For decks over 400/ftยฒ discount the price 20%; over 1,000/ftยฒ discount it 30%; over 2,000/ftยฒ discount it 40% * Lattice – 85 to 95 cents/ftยฒ * Handrails – $2.50 to $3.50 per linear foot * Undersides – $1.50/ftยฒ; be sure to include all the square footage, including joists and supports.Deck Restoration (Stripping and Sealing) $1.50 to $2.00/ftยฒ 6′ Privacy Fences – Clean and SealOption 1 $3.00 to $6.00/linear foot, per side for the first 60 feet. For fencing over 60 feet, discount the price 20 %; over 160 feet discount it 30%Option 2 90 cents to $1.35/ftยฒ. For areas over 400ftยฒ discount the price 20%; over 1,000ftยฒ discountย it 30%; over 2,000ftยฒ discount it 40%Findย Wood Cleaning & Staining Chemicals at PowerWash.comSewer Jetting $75.00 per hour with a 1-hour minimum.Paint Prep–Concrete Block or Stucco–Rotating Nozzle $85.00 per hour with a 1-hour minimum.Heavy Equipment Auction Make ReadyThese prices are for washing heavy equipment just before being sold at auction. Depending on the condition of the paint, they may be painted and decaled before the auction. This means these prices may also be “make ready” for painting. For regular washing of this equipment, the prices will range from 25% to 50% of these prices.Loader Backhoe$75.00 to $170.00Rock Drill$75.00 to $170.00Crawler Loaders$100.00 to $245.00Crawler Tractors$100.00 to $245.00Crawler Pipe Layers$150.00 to $245.00Ditchers$50.00 to $120.00Trenchers$50.00 to $120.00Hydraulic Excavators$200.00 to $370.00Integrated Tool Carriers$100.00 to $270Fork lift$50.00 to $120.00Man lift$50.00 to $120Motor grader$150.00 to $270.00Motor Scraper$150.00 to $320.00Rollers$75.00 to $170.00Compactors$75.00 to $220.00Skid Steers$50.00 to $145.00Off Road Trucks$150.00 to $320.00Water Wagons$150.00 to $270.00Wheel Loaders$100.00 to $270.00 Hourly – $65.00 to $95.00 for a one-man crew, or $75.00 to $145.00 for a two-man crew. Wash Procedures: For additional information on pressure power washing procedures, go to the Powerwash Chemical Selection pageWindow Washing Hourly – $35.00 to $55.00/hour Per Pane: 50 cents to $2.00/pane per side for commercial accounts, $2.50 to $3.50 for residential In general, you should not be making less than $35.00 per hour For detailed information go to a Window Washing ManualCoal Mines Daily – $800 to $1,000/day for a two-man crew Hourly – $85.00 to $145.00/hour, including travel, for a two-man crewParking Lot Striping (Painting) Minimum Charge – $125.00 for re-striping, $275.00 for striping a new parking lot 8 to 12 cents/foot for a 4-inch stripe (350′ to 400′ per gallon) 14 to 20 cents/foot for a 6-inch Fire Lane (275′ to 300′ per gallon) $9.00 to $45.00 for handicap stencils Bank Drive-Thru Lanes – $15.00 per lane 8 to 20 cents/ linear foot for restripingPost Construction Clean-up – Houses Interior – 12 to 25 cents/ftยฒ, which includes cleaning windows, cabinets, tubs, showers, removing paint overspray, drywall mud, and sweeping the floor. Exterior areas are as priced above.Auto Detailing Full Detail – $103.00 to $145.00 Express Interior – $35.00 to $55.00 Hand Wax – $29.00 to $49.00Graffiti Removal Pricing is area specific. In Los Angles, graffiti contractors are in abundance and pricing is highly competitive. This pricing is for areas where graffiti is not a major problem.Option 1 Minimum charge: $200.00 to $400.00; Less than 100/ftยฒ – $4.00/ftยฒOption 2 $50.00 per stop plus $1.95/ftยฒ Option 3 – 3′ x 4′ tag – $50.00Air Duct Cleaning $10.00 per outlet plus $49.00 per trunk line.
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